Golem Port Check

This page will check your network to see if ports used by Golem are open and responding.

It will continue to check for successive open ports until it times out. If you are only running Golem on 1 computer on your network, node number 1 should have all 3 ports open, and node number 2 should have all 3 ports time out (1 node equals 1 computer running Golem).

Note: This will only succeed if you have Golem running while you run this test.

Running Golem port check
WAN IP detected as ''
checking ports for IP ''

Checking ports for node number 1:
Checking port 3282: Connection refused (error 111)
Checking port 40102: Connection refused (error 111)
Checking port 40103: Connection refused (error 111)

Checked 1 nodes.
Found 0 fully open nodes.
Found 0 partially open nodes.

Results & Next Steps:

The port check was not able to connect to any ports.

View the source code

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Official Port Forwarding Documentation

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